Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection Tips
This cheat for Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection PC has been posted at 26 Apr 2005 by Unregistered and is called 'Cheats - More money'. The Cheat have a rating 2 by 2 our users and has been commented 1 times. What makes Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection especially compelling is its inclusion of the expansion packs Marine Mania and Dinosaur Digs, so you can add dolphin shows to your zoo, or even a T-Rex or wooly mammoth. Be sure to maintain those worn-out fences, though, or you could have big trouble on your hands.
Wisco's Zoo Tycoon. Guests can see in a range of 10 tiles. The more animals they see in this range, the better. But these animals must be happy to keep the guests happy.
Every animal house has different attractions. You can change the attraction of an animal house by clicking on the house. This opens an info box. Then, click on an icon that looks like a notepad.
Note that these attractions must be researched first before you can use them!. The compost building generates $ 50 for every pile of raked poo. And if you have the Dino Digs expansion, you will get $ 100 for every pile of raked dino poo!. Every guest has his/her favorite animal.
Seeing this animal in your zoo will increase that guest's happiness! You can check a guest's favorite animal in his/her information panel, by clicking on the guest.
Don't hire maintenance workers in the first months of a game, because they will have little work and you must pay them anyway! Also, don't start the game by building food/drink-stands, because it takes a while before a guest becomes hungry/thirsty when he/she enters your zoo. More important is it that you have to pay upkeep-costs for these food/drink-stand, so you can save money if you wait to build the food/drink stands. The same for restaurants.
A hamburger stand is twice as filling as a hotdog stand but does not stimulate the thirst as much. click for more info. click for more info.
click for more info. click for more info. How to find the suitability rating of an exhibit?Click on an animal. Then you see 4 icons with filled bars, the fourth icon is for the suitability rating. Click to see the suitability rating of an exhibit.To read the suitability rating of an exhibit in your zoo, place your mouse pointer right next to where the filled bar stops!. Placing foliage in an exhibitPress CTRL + G to bring up the grid. Place a tree or other plant in a square one at a time, each in a new square until the animals give a sad face.
Then delete the last one. Go back and place more trees or plants in each of the squares that already have one. The animals do not consider this as more foliage but they like this better, because its a better use of the square. It makes a HUGE difference in ratings.
What if the animals aren't happy?If your animals aren't happy, use this checklist to see what's wrong:1. Did you pick the right terrain?Look closely at the green smiley face/red sad face feedback that appears when you place objects in an exhibit with an animal present. Some animals prefer to have more than one type of terrain in their exhibit and want it in just the right amounts of each.2. Is the proper type and amount of foliage in the exhibit?Read the information about the animal carefully to know what to place.3. Are there too many animals in the exhibit?Some animals are happy with large groups; others will not tolerate it.
Also, if there are too many animals in an exhibit, some of the animals will become sick. Try building new exhibits and placing the extra animals in them.4. Are zookeepers too busy?If there are too many exhibits and not enough zookeepers, the zookeepers won’t be able to clean cages and tend to sick animals, which will make the animals unhappy.
Hire more zookeepers or reduce the number of exhibits.5. Is the terrain suitably flat or hilly?Some animals like flat or smooth terrain and other animals need rough or hilly terrain to be happy. Carefully read the in-game information about the animal to know how to fix the terrain.6. Is the exhibit clean?If the zookeepers are too busy, they won’t be able to clean exhibits quickly before the animals become unhappy.7.
Is the exhibit big enough?Some animals demand lots of room and others are comfortable in small exhibits. Carefully read the information about the animal to find out if you need to build a bigger exhibit.For information specific to each animal, click on the animal and then click the zookeeper recommendations button on the animal information panel.
How to see what guests think about your animals?If you click on an animal you see a window popping up. On the right you can see 3 icons. The last one is a text bubble icon. If you click on this, and there are no guest thoughts on the exhibit, then guests aren't seeing the animal at all. Trampled TerrainIn every exhibit you have trampled terrain.
There are 5 terrain types that are trampable. These are: grass, savannah, rainforest, coniferous and deciduous. The rest of the terrain types are not trampable.
If you place these where there is a high concentration of animals you can prevent trampable terrain almost completly. A few tips where to place non-trampable terrain is under the shelters or at the intrance of an exhibit where the zookeeper gives the food.To find trampled terrain easy, look on your mini map. All the red spots are trampled terrain. How to prevent animals from escaping their exhibits?For animals that can't swim!When you build an exhibit, place water next to every side of the exhibit. But leave 1 square free, so that the zookeeper and maintenance worker can enter the exhibit!If the fences are damaged, the animals can't escape because of the water next to the exhibit.For every animalIf you lower your exhibits into the ground, the animals can't escape because their exhibits are built into the ground. Even if the fences are damaged, they can't escape. What to do with crowded animals?- Build the exhibit 1 or 2 tiles away from the road and/or lower your exhibit.- Make only 1 side viewable and use on this side a window-fence, like the plexi glass fence.
What if animals won't breed?Every time animals become eligible for reproducing, a function decides if they do reproduce according to the odds in the animal's file. If they don't reproduce then the game waits for some time before checking again. Here are some solutions to speed up the chances for a specific animal to breed:- Build an exhibit with the right conditions before buying the animals. Then, if you place them into the exhibit, there might be a chance they breed right away. This is because the game checks the animal conditions and if these are perfect, it will proceed with a random breeding chance.- Pick the animals up and place them back.
The game will check the animal conditions again and proceed with a random breeding chance!- Sell the animals and replace them by new ones.- Build multiple exhibits with the same animals.- Or save the game and reload it. Every time you load the game, the game will check the animal conditions and if these are perfect, the game will proceed with a random breeding chance. How to get a high Guest Happiness Rating:- Make sure your guests can see ALWAYS animals. From the moment they enter your zoo, they should be seeing animals on one or both sides from the road.
If you build a restaurant or attraction on one side of a road, make sure you have an exhibit on the other side. This way the guests are seeing always animals and this will get the guest happiness high and it will stay high!- The more exhibits and the more different animals the happier your guests. This is the best way to boost up the guest happiness.- Make sure you have happy animals. Happy Animals = Happy Guests. If your Animal Happiness is low then the guest happiness will be low!- Add attractions and animal houses.
You should build the money making attractions like the carousel, elephant ride and animal theater. But the japanese garden is an attraction that gives your guests the highest happiness. It raises the happines with 25% for every male and female and 10% for every boy and girl that enters the japanese garden.- Add scenery (zoo maps, fontains, statues, topiary's, flowerbeds.)- Use the brick or stone path. If a guest walks on these roads his happiness will raise with 6%.- Use the plexi glass fence for exhibits. This is the most attractive fence for guests!
It raises the happiness of a guest with 3% if he looks to an exhibit with plexi glass.- Hire some tour guides and assign them to your exhibits. How to get a high Park Rating:- The more exhibits the higher your park rating!- Adding scenery (zoo maps, fontains, statues, topiary's, flowerbeds.)- Use the brick or stone path.- Make sure you have happy animals and happy guests. Restaurants in Zoo TycoonThe restaurants in Zoo Tycoon have multiple functions. A guest that leaves a restaurant isn't thirsty, hungry and tired any more. 1 single restaurant can replace a couple of food and drink stands and a lot of benches. Also you don't have to build a restroom, because the guests can use the restroom in the restaurant!I discovered that one restaurant can handle about 300-350 guests! I have a maximum of 3 restaurants in a game in combination with some food and drink machines.If you use only restaurants and some food and drink machines you don't have to use so many trashcans (too many trashcans lower your guest happiness).When you have a Zoo rating of 90+ you can easily let your guests pay the maximum fee ($ 22).
Zoo StaffThe Zoo KeepersThe zoo keepers are there to provide the animals with food, clean up their exhibits and healing sick animals. A zoo keeper's wage is $ 800/month. It's better to assign them to more then 1 exhibit. This way they don't start walking through the entire zoo when they are finished with 1 exhibit, but instead they walk constantly between 2 or more assigned exhibits and do their work. If you have very large exhibits (bigger then 10 x 10), then you could assign more zookeepers to the same exhibit but also assign them to an other exhibit.You can assign a zoo keeper to an exhibit by clicking on him and click the big green arrow on the right at the top of the zookeeper's pop-up box.
Move your cursor over the exhibit you want to assign to the zookeeper. A green grid will appear, indicating that you can now assign that exhibit. Click on the exhibit to assign it.To check what exhibits you assigned a zoo keeper, click the small green arrow on the zookeeper's pop-up box.
A list of all assigned exhibits will be displayed.The Maintenance WorkersA maintenance worker will fix fences and empty the trash cans! His wage is $ 300/month.For every 4 exhibits with a normal size (10x10) you should hire a maintenance worker. If you use foodstands then you can hire an extra maintenance worker for every 100 guests! If you only use restaurants in combination with some food and drink machines, then you can hire an extra maintenance worker for every 500 guests!Only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion:Maintenance workers can now be assigned to specific tasks. To do this, click a maintenance worker, then click the Assignments button on the maintenance worker's information panel. The maintenance worker will perform each duty you select.
Clear the duty to remove it from the worker's task list.The Tour GuidesA tour guide will let the guests see your different exhibits. His monthly wage is $ 500/month.
You can assign a tour guide to exhibits. This way he will let your guests see only those exhibits to wich you him assign!You can assign a tour guide by clicking on him and click the big green arrow on the right at the top of the tour guide's pop-up box. Move your cursor over the exhibit you want to assign to the tour guide. A green grid will appear, indicating that you can now assign that exhibit.
Click on the exhibit to assign it.Hiring Zoo Tour guides has a positive effect on guest happiness.The Scientists ( only available if you have the Dino Digs Expansion )If you assign a scientist to a dinosaur exhibit, he will tend the egg until hatched. Then he will feed and care for the dinosaur just like the zookeeper does for the normal animals. The wage of a scientist is $ 1000/month.Dinosaur Recovery Team ( only available if you have the Dino Digs Expansion )When a dinosaur escapes, the Dinosaur Recovery Team will tranquilize the dino. If a scientist is nearby, he will put the dinosaur in a container. Make sure that you will fix the exhibit-fence before you put the animal back! The monthly cost of this building is $ 2000. If you find this too expensive you can do without it, because if a dino escapes, you can pause the game and fix the fence.
Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection Tips
Then pick the animal up and put it back in his/her exhibit and continue the game!Marine Specialists ( only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion )The Marine Specialist cares for marine animals in the same way that Zookeepers care for your regular animals. Marine Specialists can only be assigned to tank exhibits that contain marine animals. Marine Specialists feed and clean up after marine animals.Marine Specialists also conduct shows of marine show animals, entering the tank using the tank platform. This platform must be unobstructed or the Specialist will not be able to enter the tank and care for the animals. Assigning Marine Specialists to specific tanks will make them care only for the animals in that tank.You have to pay the Marine Specialist a monthly wage of 1000 $/month. Zoo BenefactorsA benefactor is a guest that has left your park with a high opinion of it and would like to donate money.
It says they donate about 700 every month. Maybe more maybe less as the game makes it 'random'. Not every happy guest that leaves your zoo becomes a benefactor.
This is randomly choosen between your happy guests!. For wich animals can you use a low fence?You can use a low fence for all animals that can't climb and can't jump, except for the african elephant. For the following animals you can use a low fence:- African Buffalo- African Warthog- American Bison- Black Rhinoceros- California Sea Lion- Emperor Penguin- Dromedary Camel- Giant Anteater- Greater Flamingo- Hippopotamus- Saltwater CrocodileBUT.there are some tricks, wich let you use low fences for other animals.For animals that can't swim!When you build an exhibit, place water next to every side of the exhibit. But leave 1 square free, so that the zookeeper and maintenance worker can enter the exhibit!Animals that can't swim will not escape, even if the fence is too low for them (african elephant, cheetah, gazelle.). Also, you don't have to hire so many maintenance workers. If the fences are damaged, the animals can't escape because of the water next to the exhibit.For every animalIf you lower your exhibits into the ground, then you can use the low fences for EVERY animal.
The animals can't escape because their exhibit is built into the ground, even if the fences are damaged.These tricks can be used in scenario games where its important to get a high park rating. Now, you don't have to worry anymore about a very low rating, because of an escaped animal!. click for more info. click for more info. click for more info. Picking up guests ( only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion )Guests can be picked up and moved manually. To pick up a guest, click him or her, then click the Pick Up Guest button.
The guest will attach to your cursor. You can now place the guest somewhere else by moving the guest to the desired location and clicking.Placing guests into animals' exhibits can significantly reduce both guest and animal happiness. If you place the guest in water, they will attempt to swim to shore. If they cannot make it or they become trapped, they will drown. Be careful when placing guests into water tanks. Though they can swim to the ladder in order to escape, often sharks and other predators can swim faster. Modify a Tank Exhibit ( only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion )To modify a tank, click the tank platform to view the exhibit information for that tank.
The first tab, Tank Modification, contains all the controls you need to modify your tank. You can change the water salinity by clicking either Salt Water or Fresh Water.Clicking Adjust Wall Up or Adjust Wall Down will change the height of the tank walls. To change the elevation of the entire tank, click Recess Tank or Expose Tank.
You can also click Drain/Fill to empty a full tank or fill an empty tank. The cost of each tank adjustment is displayed on this tab. How to keep the water in your tank exhibits clean?
( only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion )After water has been sitting in a tank for a while, it will begin to become murky. This murkiness will be made worse when animals living in the tanks poo in them. While you can't actually see the poo that animals leave in their tanks, but it is there, making the water darker and darker. Eventually, the water will get so murky that your guests cannot see into the tanks to see the animals.There are two things you can do about this problem. First, you can assign a Marine Specialist to the tank. The marine specialist will clean the tank water when it becomes a problem. You can also purchase a tank filter.
Tank filters are placed on the side of the tank. Tank filters also clean the water as it becomes murky.Tank filters are a handy alternative to having marine specialists clean tank water, but filters have a monthly upkeep fee and require periodic service from maintenance workers. To function correctly, a tank filter must to be placed directly adjacent to an exhibit tank or a show tank outside of the wall. Marine Mania Animal Shows ( only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion )The Show ExhibitShow exhibits are the exhibits in which marine animals perform. These tanks are made with the special Show Tank walls on the Fences tab of the Construction panel. Show exhibits are built with gunite on the bottom. Mario golf 64 courses.
Note that foliage and benthic organisms may not be placed at the bottom of a show exhibit.Show objects may be placed on the water surface in a show exhibit.Any land upon which the show exhibit is built is flattened when the tank is built. When a show exhibit is created, it is automatically recessed into the ground and raised slightly above the surrounding land. If a show exhibit is placed adjacent to a marine exhibit, show animals will move between the marine and show exhibits using an automatically created pass-through gate (note that the connection must be at least three tiles for the gate to be created).If you build multiple exhibit tanks connected to one show tank, a portal will be placed between the show tank and each exhibit tank.Show ObjectsShow objects are toys and trick objects that show animals use in show tanks. These are purchased from the Show Objects tab on the Adopt Animals panel. Show objects are placed on the surface of tank water.
A grid appears around the show object when you purchase it. This grid shows how much room the animal needs to use the object.
The placement grid of show objects cannot intersect any other object.Show SheduleShows are scheduled using the Show Information panel, which is access by clicking on the tank platform of a show exhibit. Once the panel is up, you can schedule the frequency of shows. You can also change the order and number of tricks that each type of animal performs.Animals in the adjacent marine exhibits will swim through a pass-through gate when the show is about to begin. A show exhibit needs a Marine Specialist assigned to it before any shows can begin.Some tricks require certain show objects to be placed in the show exhibit before an animal can perform them. The potential benefit of the scheduled show on your guests' happiness is displayed at the bottom of the Show Information panel.Show GrandstandsGuests can watch and enjoy the new aquatic animal shows (for a fee) with the new show grandstands. Grandstands are placed facing a show tank with a one-tile buffer between the show and the building to provide easy access. Up to 12 guests can occupy the grandstand at any one time.
The admission can be set using the Show Information panel. Guests will leave the grandstand when a show is over; whether they leave the show happy or angry is up to your skills as a Zoo Tycoon. click for more info. click for more info.
Combined Exhibits ( only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion )Some animals enjoy swimming in tanks but still need land to live upon. To make these animals happy, you can create a combined exhibit.
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Combined exhibits are exhibits that combine elements of land exhibits and marine exhibits.In order to build a combined exhibit, you must create a tank and have a land exhibit that is adjacent to it. You can do this in many ways. You can build the tank first and then create a land exhibit around it or up against it. You can build a land exhibit and then build a tank adjacent to it and then delete fence pieces that are adjacent to the tank.
However, in order for animals to get into the tank, the top of the tank must be level with the land in the exhibit.The water in the tank can be either salt water or fresh water (although even if your tank water is fresh water, animals won’t drink it). Be careful though, because more than one land exhibit can share one tank, and animals can then swim through the tank to get into the exhibit of another animal!. How does the Swim With Dolphins-building and the Swimshack works? ( only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion )Both buildings have to be placed in the water. Make sure that the entrance of the building has road access see screenshots.You can use the buoy rope fence to keep the guests from wandering off to far from the building.When the guests entering the swim-with-dolphins-building they will be coming out on the backside in the water with a dolphin. It's not neccessary to have a dolphin exhibit to provide the building with dolphins. They will be there automaticly!.
Why aren't there any guests entering my Marine Mania animal shows? ( only available if you have the Marine Mania Expansion )- The grandstands must be only 1 square away from the front of the show tank. This square must be one of the available paths in zoo tycoon.- Make sure that you have already 1 or more show animal exhibits connected to the show tank so that animals can perfom a show.- Assign a marine specialist to the show tank!- Don't make the entrance price too high.
In the beginning, keep the standard entrance price. If you show is very succesfull, you can higher the price.- Use a show tank wall that allows the guests to see trough. You can use all the show-walls except for the striped wavy edges and gunite. The guests can't see trough this wall. So don't use this at the grandstand side.
But you can use it on the other 3 sides!- If you have user created objects, these should be Marine Mania compatible. If not, then this is the problem that is keeping the guests from entering your grandstands. You should remove these objects.EXTRA TIP: Place a restaurant near the grandstands. Guests that have seen a show will be hungry, thirsty and tired. Placing a restaurant near the grandstands will bring in extra money and will get your guest happines remain the same!. Downloading bonus stuff: How should I do that?For animals and objects:If the download is a zip file then it will contain a.ztd and a.dll file. You can download the zip file any where you like.
Double click the.zip file and WinZip starts. Then you can see the different files.
Steam AchievementsThis title has a total of 59 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.