Word How To Remove Table

  1. Word How To Remove Table Gridlines

Hello,I am attempting to remove a horizontal borders, except header row in a Word table, but having some difficulty. When adding new rows to the table programmatically, the row is added with a horizontal border. I've removing the border by accessing the specificrow's Borders collection, like the following:.Rows.Item(RowCnt - 1).Borders(WdBorderType.wdBorderHorizontal).LineStyle = WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleNoneI was able to remove the all the horizontal borders from the table with the following code: moWordDoc.Tables.Item(iTableNum).Borders(WdBorderType.wdBorderHorizontal).LineStyle = WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleNonebut would like to apply no borders for new added rows.Any help is appreciated.jim.

Word how to delete table but keep text

Word How To Remove Table Gridlines

Quickly remove table borders in Word. You can use tabs to create the columns, but doing so creates a rather unstable grid — deleting or adding values or new columns is troublesome at best. There is a very quick way to delete a table in Microsoft Word 2010, that doesn't even involve selecting the table first. Place the cursor in a cell in the table and notice that the.